Tuesday, October 9, 2012

killing Daisies

I admit that the theme of my residency has not exactly "panned" out the way I planned it to. As you all know (if you took a gander at my previous blog) my intent was to work on  my series The Aesthetics of Murder a Series - Based the Short Stories and Poetry of Edgar Allen Poe. As it turns out all I can paint are fecking flowers (to be fair I decided to brush up on my art technique with some still life's, I just didn't know I would enjoy it so much) Yes a bouquet of flowers done in 20 different ways! 
I guess I have to go with it, sheesh!!

I have made some headway on the series and had a wonderful studio visit from Monique Mouton my mentor at the thematic residency.  Our group of 9 is getting along nicely and we have a critique night as well as a pot luck on Thursday evening. We had a wicked thanksgiving pancake breakfast yum!! 

M.Valdemar - Based on the Short Story: The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar
Yesterday I went for coffee at The Rectory on Toronto Island with my brothers friends Tyler and his partner Martha. Martha is from the Island and they invited me over to her family's house for Thanksgiving dinner. Martha, Iris, Tyler and I went and collected things for a centre piece in the meadow! Everyone was very kind and I am very thankful, what a beautiful family! I was talking about pumpkin pie for 5 days previous and I finally had my fill.
The mouse hole on my door...

Update on my stay: A mouse crawled on my head. A mouse came at Maja, she stepped on it with her boot. Ben made a mouse trap with a bucket and some peanut butter. I argued that the Mouse trap was inhuman. I stuffed my mouse hole with a squirrel tail that I found on my run. I hoped that mice were territorial. 

Love always,
