Monday, July 11, 2011

I hope you find what you are looking for project/SALSA!!

For those who are tuning into my blog for the first time let me tell you a bit about the project I am participating in. I was sent to Montreal on July first to search for a person that I have never met and know nothing about.  I have to look for this other person in Montreal in a number of creative ways, while doing so I will document my time and expeditions. So far I have been hitting the hot spots in Montreal where I think the most people are and where this person could possibly be.  I have been giving out original drawings (which people are happy to take) with my project information on the back. having received the gift of art from me people are more than willing to here about the project I am working on. Everyone has been very kind thus far and given me their unique advice on the beautiful city of Montreal. I am beginning to think I may miss it here when I have to go home on the 31st of July. The project is run by an Albertan artist. At the end of the project I will be posting all the information about his show.
To begin, I think in the past 24 hours I have committed the sin of gluttony, actually I don't think I know! Last night had already eaten dinner at home, but went on a mission for dessert. I knew there was a somewhat cute street that I had passed on a run off Saint Catharines with a row full of restaurants, Crescent street I believe. Anyway I was going to hit this street for a dessert before I met Hali for Grease  (the movie Grease) an outdoor showing in the park. I ended up totally and fully over indulging at the Burger Bar on a double chocolate shake and fat home fries, I have to say mmm mmm. Being lactose intolerant this did not go over well throughout the rest of the evening. But the Movie in the park was totally romanic and tons of fun!!
Here is a photo of me at the Burger Bar where I have snuck one of my pictures off the balcony, I hope someone finds what they are looking for...
My deadly fries and shake

Oh Olivia!!

This Morning someone suggested that I try the Atwater market opposed to the Jean Talon because it was closer to my house and had better cheese.  This was a most helpful suggestion, however, the Atwater market did have better cheese... AND bread AND eclairs AND cookies AND croissant AND now I am 10 pounds heavier. 

Last night while walking home from drooling over the young John Travolta I passed a dance club, the sign read that there was beginners salsa on monday nights at 9:30. I decided hey why not (the thought never crossed my mind that I cannot even get through a two step) and that this would be fun. I showed up at 9:30 had time to meet a couple new friends and got the chance to them why I am in Montreal. And by 10 we started... The women lined up on one side of the dance floor and the men on the other. I knew that the old man with the white pants was gunning for me (about 75). I was targeted. I (being the fresh meat) was the focus of every man over 60 for two hours. I had a fabulously fun night and it turns out that  the men over 60 were the only ones who could actually dance! 

Good night!! all my love!

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