Saturday, July 2, 2011

Wow! BIG. DAY. where shall I begin/I hope you find what you are looking for project

So I nervously began my day hitting the Bixi trail (as I call it), stumbling through the steps of getting my bike from the bixi stand. From there I hit the busy streets of Montreal on to the "Jean Talon Market" from St Catherines, which was about 7.8 Km away. I high tailed to the market eager to see and eat some fresh foods. After sampling ample amounts of fruit and salivating for more. I finally decided on some freshly fried Calamari.

I didn't see any action the the project front no signs of anyone looking for me yet. I did however stop and a neat little gallery outside of the market on Jean Talon called "Tah -Dah Boutique Galerie Metier D'art" where I met the director/owner sabe. I gave her one of my small pieces with my contact information in hopes that she meets the person who is searching for me as well.

I Proceeded to take my time back from the market on my Bixi bike to
and enjoy this area of Montreal. I toured through Little Italia stopped at a wonderful little kitchen store as well as a small italian deli "Chez Vito" on Fairmount. Where I picked up some balsamic vinegar for my new cherry tomatoes and met the owner his name started with a T and I just can't remember it. I found the bike path from Fairmount and followed all of my fellow bikers they seemed to be headed in an important direction.  I came across a "Parc LaFountaine" and stopped at a small coffee shop "La Maison Des Cylistes" for some iced tea. I have to add that this was the best iced tea I have ever had. I told the girls at the coffee shop about my project and she posed for my polaroid photo.  She then told me that earlier that day she met a man around 35 looking for someone as well a girl, so hopefully this could be a clue for me. Later tonight a new friend Adrian told me that men are always looking for women.

I again decided to follow the busy path of bikers down to the port where there was a lot of action street merchants and more food.
I then parked my Bixi and strolled back home through China Town. I was fresh out of pictures to give away so I had to create some more before entering the Montreal night life.  I took the metro with my new friend Hali (who showed me the way) we walked through Le Plateau, and shared a massive poutine.
I cannot believe the night life here it is so alive, almost more active than the day. In some parts of Le Plateau it is like stepping into Europe. I am flabbergasted at the willingness of people to interact with me and to hear about the project that I am participating in, and the quinine interest in the arts. I have met so many new faces and friends so far by simply walking through a part and saying hello.  

Tomorrow friends I am heading to the Mount Royal Park to play Tam Tams and draw in the grass.
Good Night

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