Sunday, July 17, 2011

I hope you find what you are looking for project/Death of a cyclist

For those who are tuning into my blog for the first time let me tell you a bit about the project I am participating in. I was sent to Montreal on July first to search for a person that I have never met and know nothing about.  I have to look for this other person in Montreal in a number of creative ways, while doing so I will document my time and expeditions. So far I have been hitting the hot spots in Montreal where I think the most people are and where this person could possibly be.  I have been giving out original drawings (which people are happy to take) with the project information on the back and my blog. Having received the gift of art from me people are more than willing to here about the project I am working on. Everyone has been very kind thus far and given me their unique advice on what to do or see in the beautiful city of Montreal. I am beginning to think I may miss it here when I have to go home on the 31st of July. The project is run by an Albertan artist. At the end of the project I will be posting all the information about his show.

Good evening to you all!! I hope everyone is enjoying this fabulous weather we are experiencing across the country!! 

Ok so on Friday the 15th of July the Opp Gallerie et Boutique in Montreal featured the project that I am participating in for the evening. It was a great turn out, being on St Laurent there was plenty of foot traffic. Everyone was very interested in the project and were game to come into the gallery and chat about the whole thing. I hope it got me one step closer to finding the other person. I sidewalk chalked in the front of the gallery with arrows coming inside. Also there was a lot of people watching from the window, I felt like a fish in a bowl, but it was really fun. Above is a picture of a little girl who came into the gallery with her parents. She sat and watched me for a bit, and then she grabbed her parents to get the bag from their hands. She then proceeded to take out her own art and place it around my drawings. It was so cute and priceless!! We made a drawing trade before she left. Below is a man by the name of Alex whom I met on the street biking the week before. I did get some other interesting visitors early on in the evening, a man with a window squeegee and singing his way in the door. He proceeded to tell me that he did mascara paintings and that he too could do a performance such as this. Then to finish the paintings off he would sometimes use a bit of liquid eyeliner. Angelo the director of Opp thought that mascara was a bit of a pricy medium. Montreal will always make every experience a good one and you can count on something (pardon my language) just really fucking weird happening.

This week we are getting down to business and some new plans are going to unroll!! So keep up everyone. Oh and on a side note: Do NOT bike over plastic bags, these can lead to the death of a cyclist.

Pictures and photography compliments of Aliah Mcdonough 

The Consonance performing on that friday evening.

My sidewalk chalking I plan on doing a window painting this 

The Laurier Pool 

Yoga at Mont Royal Parc Statue

I bid you all good night, with love, Brandi

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