Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I hope you find what you are looking for project/Yee Hah!

For those who are tuning into my blog for the first time let me tell you a bit about the project I am participating in. I was sent to Montreal on July first to search for a person that I have never met and know nothing about.  I have to look for this other person in Montreal in a number of creative ways, while doing so I will document my time and expeditions. So far I have been hitting the hot spots in Montreal where I think the most people are and where this person could possibly be.  I have been giving out original drawings (which people are happy to take) with the project information on the back and my blog. Having received the gift of art from me people are more than willing to here about the project I am working on. Everyone has been very kind thus far and given me their unique advice on what to do or see in the beautiful city of Montreal. I am beginning to think I may miss it here when I have to go home on the 31st of July. The project is run by an Albertan artist. At the end of the project I will be posting all the information about his show.

Last Night I was invited to The Wheel Club in Montreal NDG area, I was told to meet there at 7:30 (silly me for thinking anything happened in montreal that early). So I end up walking into this place and all I see are 2 old gentlemen at the bar, checkered table clothes, tile floors, fake flowers in vases on each table, and a stage. It truly reminded me of an old hall in Saskatchewan, for all of my family members who are reading, It's totally the Horizon Hall in Wilkie SK. So naturally I start backing up out of the door to leave, but no, the older men wave me in (and I am thinking I am not going to stay at this place long). But of coarse I take a seat and check my phone (can someone get me out of this, text me, tell me someplace to go, anything)!!  I feel as though I am participating in the "Yes Man" book or movie. Then I start talking to Patrick and Walter, they tell me that today (last night) is Patricks 80th Birthday (oh great I really do have to stay at least for one beer with these men). I ended up chatting with Patrick and he was telling me he was irish and 90% blind, he was so sweet they even offered me some leftover birthday cake. Patrick also told me that Monday night was a the big night here at the Wheel, I am sitting there thinking oh yes it's hoppin! Then I hear someone playing guitar and I look over and there is a little music corner set up a stage area. So loving to participate in sing songs I ask Bob Komo if I can come sing some songs with him. We sang and we played some Janis Joplin, Blue Rodeo, and many other wonderful tunes. It is about 8:30 here I am shouting Bobby Mcgee on the mike and before I know it there is a banjo player behind me  (Tony) and many others on guitar. Before 9 at the Wheel Club is warm up so I got to play with these people it was soooo fun!! After 9 on Monday nights you cannot play any music that was written after 1965. Some really great artists showed up and blew my mind, what great music. I had the opportunity to meet some wonderful people who were very welcoming. I also met my new friend Roxie who was cutting a rug on the dance floor doing some crazy line dancing. I also met Eddy Blake Eaton a fellow Lloydminsterite, such a small world. So I would just like to thank everyone at the Wheel Club, Patrick, Jeannie,Bill Walter, Bob, Rosie, Terri, Steve, Tony, Leo, Harold, Daryl, Peter, Esther, and Roxie, for being so sweet you made the night my most memorable in Montreal. I am glad my friends never came because I had the opportunity to meet so many charming people.  It is funny what you can land yourself into when you are just willing to step a bit out of your comfort level. I am glad that this project has allowed me to say yes more and get a little crazy!!

Line Dancin' Ladies

Bob Steve and Tony

My Beautiful new friend Roxie who was so fantastic and took me hiking today!!

Ik fly in my face

Roxie and I passing out flyers for the project on St Catharines 

I have not noticed a sniff yet of the other person but i am keeping an eye out! One good thing though is I am getting messages from people I have met and they are saying that they notice my hints around the city, SO COOL!

Good night. 

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